Speaker Interview with Ekaterina Gorbunova

60 seconds with the Vice President, Development & Support Leader for Elastomers at OCSiAl Group

You will deliver a presentation focusing on “ New generation of highly conductive silicones for flexible electrodes, healthcare devices, electronics and EV applications “. Please could you please give us a quick overview of what you will be sharing with our audience?

In my presentation, recent developments of soft, high strength, high elasticity, electrically conductive silicone compounds for flexible electrode manufacturing will be described. This highly valuable set of properties can be achieved only with the use of the most advanced technology. The ultra-low effective dosage and exceptional properties of graphene nanotubes embedded in silicone compounds make it possible to get highly conductive materials with no carbon release to the surface and no contamination of skin or other surfaces.

I will cover the latest findings in LSR and RTV conductive compounds to be used in electronics, healthcare, and electric vehicle (EV) applications, as well as the health and safety aspects of using TUBALL graphene nanotubes produced by OCSiAl in flexible electrode manufacturing.

What do you see as the most significant changes coming up in the sector in the next year?

So far, it’s evident that all industries are becoming more and more automated, while manufacturers and end-users are looking for more efficient and sustainable solutions.

Smart electronics, vehicle assembly, electronic components, smart textiles, and other products require flexible, highly conductive materials to provide a good connectivity to the whole system, and at the same time preserve the mechanical properties of pure silicone that suit it to advanced applications. And wearable electronics are becoming a part of this conductive chain. There is a need for high-performance materials with added value from all industries.

The past year has been one of many challenges – how do you see the elastomer industry overcoming these challenges and moving forward?

Of course, it’s still a hard time for the industry. A worldwide shortage of raw materials is pushing the industry to modify supply chains and adapt formulations to new reality. Now, industry is balancing between the needs of cost saving, formulation adjustments, and the ability to improve the process and the properties of the products, which is the real challenge.

Why do you think people should attend Silicone Elastomers World Summit 2021?

Such tough periods can always become drivers for a shift to new materials with improved properties, which help to use less for a more sustainable future. And this is a great opportunity to gather together industry leaders to make it happen.